In-Person Board Meeting Attendance Policy for May 3, 2021

The Authority will be offering an in person attendance option. Seating will be limited to 50 in person attendees at the May 3, 2021 meeting. Registration for in person attendance will be required and available on the Authority website at

Seats will be spaced three feet apart. Masks will be optional.

Virtual attendance will remain available in the same manner as the Authority’s recent meetings and consistent with the Texas Governor’s suspension of certain Texas Open Meetings Act provisions due to COVID-19. Information regarding virtual attendance will continue to be stated on each meeting agenda.

In person seating will be reserved in the following manner:

Tier 1 – Members of governing body of Authority GRP member (25 seats)
Tier 2 – Authority residents and other members of public (10 seats)
Tier 3 – Authority consultants (15 seats)

Phase 1 registration will open to all Tiers at 8am the Monday before the Board meeting and end at 7:59 am the Friday before the Board meeting.

Phase 2 registration will open at 8 am the Friday before the Board meeting and end at 3pm the day of the Board meeting. This registration phase will be for any unclaimed seats and is open registration for anyone wishing to attend the Board meeting.

Should you have any questions regarding registration for an Authority Board meeting, please contact Krystal Boggs at 281-440-3924 or