Resolution Adopting Policy and Procedures for February 2021 Freeze Event Fee Adjustment Credits

The North Harris County Regional Water Authority Board of Directors has adopted a Resolution Adopting Policy and Procedures for February 2021 Freeze Event Fee Adjustment Credits.

Retail Water Providers:

Texas experienced an unprecedented winter freeze event in February 2021, and many water users experienced significant water loss as a result of frozen and burst pipes. Several of the retail water providers within the Authority reported receiving significant requests from their retail customers for bill adjustments related to this water loss. In an effort to support those retail water providers choosing to provide relief to their customers, the Authority’s Board of Directors has adopted a Resolution Adopting Policy and Procedures for February 2021 Freeze Event Fee Adjustment Credits (the “Resolution”).

The Resolution provides a procedure by which retail water providers within the Authority may submit an accounting of the adjustments to customer bills related to the winter storm that the retail water provider granted to its customers. Upon a retail water provider meeting the requirements described in the Resolution, the Authority will issue a credit to the retail water provider based on the volume of water the retail water provider credited to its customers. Complete details regarding leak adjustment policy requirements and the credit application process are outlined in the Resolution. Please note the deadline to apply for a fee credit is July 1, 2021.

If you have any questions regarding the Resolution or the application of the Authority’s policy, please contact Cyndi Plunkett, Authority Finance Director, or Mark Evans, Authority Planning and Governmental Affairs Director, by telephone, at (281) 440-3924, or by email at,

Click the link below to view the resolution.

Resolution Adopting Policy and Procedures for February 2021 Freeze Event Fee Adjustment Credits